
Policy Dimensions

Seven policy dimensions bring together interrelated areas to ensure a holistic approach that balances the opportunities and risks of digital transformation.
Growth &Well-beingAccessUseMarketopennessInnovationJobsSocietyTrust

A holistic approach to policymaking in the digital age

Shaping an inclusive digital economy and society is not easy, but it is vital. The Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework helps governments develop coherent and resilient policies to fully realise the potential of digital transformation and address its challenges. It includes seven policy dimensions that together help boost growth and improve well-being: 1) Access to communications infrastructures, services and data; 2) Effective use of digital technologies and data; 3) Data-driven and digital innovation; 4) Good jobs for all; 5) Social prosperity and inclusion; 6) Trust in the digital age; and 7) Market openness in digital business environments.


Access to communications infrastructures, services and data underpin digital transformation and become more critical as more people and devices go online.


The power and potential of digital technologies and data for people, firms and governments depends on their effective use.


Innovation pushes out the frontier of what is possible in the digital age, driving job creation, productivity and sustainable growth.


As labour markets evolve, we must ensure that digital transformation leads to more and better jobs and to facilitate just transitions from one job to the next.


Digital technologies affect society in complex and interrelated ways, and all stakeholders must work together to balance benefits and risks.


Trust in digital environments is essential; without it, an important source of economic and social progress will be left unexploited.

Market openness

Digital technologies change the way firms compete, trade and invest; market openness creates an enabling environment for digital transformation to flourish.

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